Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Post Vacation Weigh In

Sorry for the long absence.  I got back from my month long vacation at my parents' last week, and it has been a little rough getting back into a healthy routine for a couple of reasons.  I slipped a little while I was on vacation, but I tried to stay active.  When I got back to Memphis, the heat and humidity put a halt on any progress I had tried to keep.  It is miserable to exercise here.  Another bump came when my prescription SSRIs ran out and I was unable to see my doctor.  I've been without them for more than 3 weeks, but I'm still feeling the withdrawl symptoms from cutting them off cold turkey, the worst of those being an insatiable appetite. *groan*  I just can't eat enough to feel satisfied.  The last, and probably most happy, of the reasons that it's been rough getting back into a routine is the addition of a kitten to my apartment.

As adorable as he is, he was very sick when I first brought him home last week, and needed constant attention.  He became just another reason to skip a workout.

So I've come to today.  I'm trying to get back on track but it's going to get even rougher.  The Road Race Series begins this weekend with the first 5K on Sunday.  It's going to be hard enough in 85% humidity, but to add to that, I'm having my wisdom teeth removed on Thursday.  Ugh.  Fun fact to lighten the mood: My bib number for the race series is 69.  Makes for a good chuckle.

So, for the weigh in:

Weight: 168.5 lb
Bicep: 11.5”
Chest: 36”
Waist: 31”
Hips: 40”
Thigh: 22”

And a month ago:

Weight: 162.5 lb
Bicep: 11”
Chest: 35.5”
Waist: 29.5”
Hips: 39.5”
Thigh: 22”

So, in a month, I gained 6lbs and about 3 inches. Yikes.  Well, I can just try to get back into my routine.  I just really hope I can handle the heat for the race series.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Your kitten is darling. He is just a puff of adorable and the pictures kill me.

    2. DAYUM GIRL. Proud of you even if you gained a few pounds back. In reality that's just poop.

    3. So happy I found your blog. I love blogs. I miss LiveJournal. Let's be frands.
